Immigration in Greeley
I'll bet that crime has just gone up in Greeley since the population has gone up, not just illegal crime but crime in general. I hate to see anyone targeted on this.
Greeley - Hundreds of residents Tuesday night loudly agreed that a federal immigration enforcement office is needed in Greeley, declaring that too many illegal immigrants are getting away with committing crimes.
"I think there is a good reason that an ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) office should be here," said Jan Bartram. Crimes by illegal immigrants have climbed steadily since she moved to Greeley in 1974, Bartram said, and more enforcement "is really necessary."
Others who packed a sweltering 4-H building at Island Grove Park also backed Weld District Attorney Ken Buck, who called Tuesday's forum to discuss the impact of crimes committed by people here illegally.
"This meeting does not focus on race and it's not focused on hate," Buck said. Rather, he said, he wanted to steer the conversation toward the woes inflicted on victims of illegal-immigrant crime.
Those included Sandy Ross, who lost her home and job after a car driven by an illegal immigrant slammed into her and her son while they were driving home from church in September 2005.
"None of this would have happened if this person had been taken off the street," said Ross in a videotaped message.
The forum highlighted the controversy surrounding illegal immigration in Greeley, where the number of immigrants has risen 60 percent since 2000, according to the U.S. Census.
In 2006, there were 11,907 foreign-born people living in Greeley, making up 12.7 percent of the population. That compares with 7,421 foreign-born people - or 9.7 percent of the population - living in Greeley in 2000, according to the census.
Rocky Mountain News
One of he most infuriating parts about the article is that it states that crime has gone up without proving it. The only numbers cited in the article are the foreign born population numbers.
The idea that crime is up is based solely on a statement by a resident
Crimes by illegal immigrants have
climbed steadily since she moved
to Greeley in 1974, Bartram said,
and more enforcement "is really
What kind of reporting is that?
The immigrant community is like any other: it rejects the criminals among them. If we use ICE stats we find that 88,000 people nationwide were deported last year. If there are 12 million undocumented immigrants that translates to .7% of the total undocumented population being convicted.
I think everone needs to get over the mexican race. Start looking arund they are not the only immigrants who are here.
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