Society's Invisible People
This was written by one of our members who was recently released from prison and is currently in a halfway house.
Society’s Invisible People
There is an old Jewish parable: The parable of the fifth son. "A man has five sons. Four are at the table eating. But the fifth son is the one who is not at the table. The fifth son has gone wayward. Yet, his seat is still reserved for his return."
Perhaps you have seen him, with all of his belongings in plastic bags. He is a heavy-set, middle-aged, black man residing on the city bench, along side the Tattered Cover Book Store, in Lodo. I certainly have.
I work as a cook at Dixon’s Downtown Grill. I come to work at 3 pm and go home at 12 am.
Seven-days a week, he sits with a defiant dignity – in silent protest. Not once has this homeless man ever asked for any food or money. Nor have I ever witnessed him panhandling.
Oddly enough, at the very same location, a perfectly healthy, clean-cut boy, on a $500 bicycle relentlessly begged for spare change. I wanted to throw the little urchins’ bike under the bus when he didn’t take no for an answer.
No, the man on the green city metal bench was different. He was speaking to me, without saying a word.
I questioned my general manager about him. He said that in all of the years that he’s worked for Dixon’s, he never saw this man begging, not once.
All of the years! I thought.
With that response I felt deep shame.
I felt shame not for this homeless man’s situation, but for people not noticing; perhaps, not caring. He has sat there for years and no one has helped.
Secretly, I believe, most folks wish he would just go away. They would rather he was invisible. So, they blank him out of their existence.
He has become one of society’s invisible people.
These invisible people all too often have been deemed by society as "scum". Yet, they are victims of urban plight and inner city decay - the poor and the downtrodden. They include: the homeless; mentally-ill; unwed mothers on welfare; runaway teens; ex-offenders; the uneducated and unskilled; illegal immigrants; and residents of inner city housing projects.
We forget that they are part of the human family. They are; like or not, included in the very fiber of the tapestry of life - the fifth son who is not at the table. Their struggles affect the whole of humanity, our very way of life. In order for me to hold my head up high, the man on the green city park bench needs to be able to also.
As fate would have it, I joined the ranks of the less desirable and unwanted, back in September of 2005. In Summit County Court, I pleaded guilty to theft. I received a 3-year prison sentence. I’m presently serving the final weeks of that sentence at Independence House – North (community corrections), in Denver.
There is a stigma that comes with being an ex-offender writer and an activist. Some people ponder: Who is this guy to tell us anything, just look at where he has been? What can he possibly know? A damn criminal giving advice?"
I have to work twice as hard to get published, and twice as hard to be heard.
I know now, how this homeless man feels: disconnected.
Nevertheless, he has not given up. His vigilance and dignified behavior on the city bench (his home), says more for who he is, then all the people that whisk by him without a glance.
This man on the bench has staked out his own little piece of human triumph over great adversity, without saying a word.
We need to do the same. These invisible folks struggles are our struggles. By helping those most in need we grow in love and humanity.
Today, I’m going to talk to this man on the city bench.
We should recognize, acknowledge, and help the homeless. We should recognize and acknowledge a prisoner trying to be heard. We should recognize, acknowledge, and help: the poor, the destitute, and the downtrodden. The fifth son who is not at the table: Society’s invisible people.
Because if we don’t we’ll lose ourselves in the process, or lack thereof.
This is a great piece of writing and right on target. Now if we could have leaders as insightful as this writer!
秋天賞楓何處去酒店經紀,安排韓國旅遊有獨到心得的寶馬旅行社表示 酒店打工,秋遊韓國的重點就是美食、溫泉、還有雪嶽山美麗秋景。位於江原道 酒店兼差束草、襄陽、麟蹄一帶的雪嶽山,是韓國最早楓葉轉紅的地方,也由於雪嶽山一年四季都有奇岩絕璧 酒店兼職
、溪谷瀑布等美景,吸引了許多觀光客前來旅遊。一到 酒店工作秋天,以雪嶽山的最高峰~大青峰(1,708公尺)為首,雪嶽山各主要登山路線沿途的楓葉把山染 酒店上班成一片紅色的圖畫,美不勝收。
標榜「全程無自費」,相當受旅客歡 寒假打工迎,而且價格相當平易近人,只要14500元即可成行。另外還有全程五星酒店、海陸空版的「戀戀秋濟^海陸空濟州4日」 暑假打工,同樣獨家全程無自費!緊張刺激360度噴射快艇(價值韓幣25000元)、飛天熱氣球(價值韓幣25000元) 酒店PT、海水溫泉汗蒸幕(價值韓幣8000元) 禮服酒店等,海、陸、空讓您玩的盡興也只要13900元!現在就去體驗韓國秋天的美景吧~
驚險摩托車秀HAPPY TOWN 兼差價值韓幣12000元):表演者以機車為主,靈活的玩弄, 打工全世界只有兩組特技人員能做的高難度表演,在一個小時的演出中還有空中飛人﹑民俗雜技和大車輪 台北酒店經紀等表演,保證讓您大呼過隱,不虛此行喝花酒 特技令人嘖嘖稱奇。而享譽全球的國寶級亂打秀(價值韓幣45000元),是韓國人獨創的敲擊樂表演,故事的場景是發生在廚房中,因此所謂的樂器就是就地以鍋碗等廚房交際應酬 用具敲 打出澎湃的節奏。在沒有冷場的過程裡,不需要語言您就可以清楚知道劇情粉味的發展,台上演員還會與台下觀眾互動演出,整場歡笑不斷。
去過的旅客都津津樂道的酒店喝酒韓文化生活體驗營」,讓您親手體驗泡菜製作,穿著傳統韓服更能體驗韓國婦女的優雅!另外,精緻好吃的韓國美食當然也不能 酒店不嚐:鮑魚太極人蔘雞、長壽麵、、黑毛豬烤肉、還有獨家特色餐「?花魚定食+五花肉+鐵板馬肉+?料」「生猛海鮮大餐」等等讓人食指大動。酒店經紀酒店經紀酒店兼差酒店打工酒店上班酒店經紀酒店小姐酒店打工酒店兼差 酒店工作> 彩妝指甲彩繪口紅彩妝馬甲美白
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