Editorial: A blow against police brutality - The Denver Post
Editorial: A blow against police brutality - The Denver Post
It turns out it wasn't that hard after all. All it took was two years, a couple of public safety managers, a number of ill-considered punishment recommendations, but finally — and in a matter of only a few hours — two offending Denver cops were fired and are now safely off the streets.
Now we know that in the city of Denver, it's possible not only for justice to be done, but that it can even be done in a timely fashion. It just took us a while to get there.
On Friday morning, a judge denied a temporary restraining order against Chief Gerry Whitman's recommendation last week that Officer Devin Sparks and Cpl. Randy Murr be fired in the videotaped beating of Michael DeHerrera.
And that afternoon, Safety Manager Charley Garcia, the fourth Denver safety manager in less than a year, announced in a news conference that Sparks and Murr were out. Garcia has been on the job just over a week.
But don't accuse Garcia of summary judgment. What made this case so outrageous from the start was how obvious it all was. To complete his investigation, Garcia needed only to slip a videotape into the VCR, lean back and watch Sparks club an unarmed DeHerrera while DeHerrera was talking on his cellphone.
The beating took place in April of 2009. The firing takes place in March of 2011.
This probably won't be the final ending of the case, which has now landed squarely in the middle of Denver's mayoral race. We can guess there will be the inevitable appeals, but if the appeals are to common sense and to justice, the judgments against Sparks and Murr should definitely hold.
Sparks eventually admitted to hitting DeHerrera at least nine times with a department-issued weapon called a sap, which is metal wrapped in leather. But first both officers lied about the incident, not knowing that it had been caught on a city surveillance camera.
The lies were nearly as outrageous as the beating. More outrageous still was the light punishments recommended by the police force and seconded by Ron Perea, who was then the newly appointed safety manager.
We all know the police officers union has been running the denver police dept. I now applaud Chief Whitman for doing his job.
Unions have there place but it shouldnt be capable of influencing the internal affairs doing there job in the diciplining of officers.
Police Brutality and abuse of Power,and getting killed by the Police has become a "Norm" in Denver, Colorado saddly enough. Unfortunately there are some people actually see the "Thugs" as if they really are above the Law, in all walks of life in Denver(Lawyers,house wives,elderlies, Buisiness owners, Etc.,..). And that is one of the problems against victims of Police Brutality in Denver, Colorado. Therefore if city attorney plays his card right and pick enough "Idiotts" in the poll of Jurries, then nobody can win against the Police in Denver!.
Specially that the entire Members in their "Cropted" system will play as a member of the same "Gang" if you will and work against you!!
From Mayor, Manager of Safety pin, Office of "In&dependent Silent Monitor", "Cheese of Police", Just about the "whole Gang". There is no way to clean up this "Mess" By Just replacing couple of Gang Members!. Just remember; putting a "Bad Apple" back in a "Barrel", only results in more "Wrotten Applels" which is what we got in Denver, Colorado!!(April of 2011). I am truly Sad to see this "Mess"! may be "Bureau of Reclamation" can take over the Denver Police Department and use enough chemicals to clean the mess up??, what do you think?. Any advise,... anyone...?? Well I feel helpless!
as a Victem myself! may God help us all in Denver, Colorado.
Safety Pins always have been a useful tools in our lives (Mothers normally used them to hold their Babies Diaper up from exposing the mess).But Denver Police Department has yet to manage their "Safety Pin" in position to save themselves from the National Imbarrasements!. It is really a shame!This is "America" and the year is 2011. Wake up man and hold your Diapers in place (We are not living in "stone age" era, nor in "INDIA"! No use for "Thugs"!!!
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