Techno - Corrections- Alcohol Ankle Bracelet
Recovering alcoholic Cris Daniel hasn't touched a drop of liquor in over four months - and he can prove it.
Daniel, like hundreds of other Coloradans, is being screened by a high-tech ankle bracelet that continuously "sniffs" for alcohol in his system.
The anklet - known as SCRAM, for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor - analyzes the wearer's sweat droplets and transmits information to a computer watched by probation officers and other officials.
Since SCRAM was introduced in 2003, more than 2,000 offenders in Colorado have been monitored, the manufacturer says.
Authorities in Denver and Greeley and with the state corrections system, all of which now use the bracelets, say they help
cut down on alcohol abuse and alcohol-fueled crimes and are more reliable and harder to fool than other monitoring methods.
Denver Post Article Here
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