Who is the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition?

Our mission is to reverse the trend of mass incarceration in Colorado. We are a coalition of nearly 7,000 individual members and over 100 faith and community organizations who have united to stop perpetual prison expansion in Colorado through policy and sentence reform.

Our chief areas of interest include drug policy reform, women in prison, racial injustice, the impact of incarceration on children and families, the problems associated with re-entry and stopping the practice of using private prisons in our state.

If you would like to be involved please go to our website and become a member.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Deputy Shoots and Kills Man

An off-duty Arapahoe County sheriff's deputy fatally shot a man late last night
during a fight on an off ramp of Highway 6 in Lakewood, authorities say.
The shooting happened at 10:15 p.m. off U.S. 6 near Indiana Street after the officer
pulled up next to a white Ford pickup truck and words were exchanged, said Steve
Davis, Lakewood police spokesman. Two men from the pickup and the officer
got out of their vehicles and a fist-fight broke out, Davis said. It is unclear
what provoked the fight, he said. "The officer produced a weapon and shot
the passenger of the pickup," he said. The man was taken to a hospital where
he was pronounced dead, Davis said. His name was not released pending
notification of family members.
Michael Hunter, 24, the driver of the pickup, was arrested for investigation of drunken driving, he said. The deputy, whose name was withheld, was questioned by Lakewood police officers and released. The deputy was taken to a local hospital and treated for facial injuries. His blood was also taken to determine whether he was intoxicated, Davis said. Several witnesses of the shooting spoke with police
investigators, he said. Jefferson County prosecutors will decide what charges if any to file against Hunter and the deputy, Davis said.
The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office will likely do an internal investigation to
determine whether the deputy followed the department's policies in the use of a
gun, Davis said. Capt. Brice Moomaw of the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
declined to comment about the deputy's status with the department.
"We are not discussing anything related to this incident," Moomaw said Saturday. "The investigation is being handled by the Lakewood Police Department."

The Denver Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

去年下半年以來的 酒店工作金融海嘯,不僅讓市井小民壓力沉重, 酒店上班就連專營高檔客層的精品商家,也都面臨不小的壓力, 寒假打工

隨著股市、房市 暑假打工的熱絡氣象,外界預期一些辛苦經營的精品店面、 酒店PT商圈,將順勢而起,不過,熟悉大台北商圈的欣元商仲總經理焦文華直言,目 禮服酒店前精品業者的經營還相當艱困,景氣反轉的力道並不如外界預期。

焦文華分析,精品商圈 兼差的經營,確實還是面臨消費力不足的困境。目前消費者物價指數已連續兩個月負成長(六、七月份),具體反映出消費力衰退的現象,高檔的珠寶、手錶、服飾等精品市場感受更深,部分店家業績 打工,更是過去高峰期的三分之一,業者稱得上是「苦撐待變」。

永慶店面事業部 台北酒店經紀經理李元鳳表示,精品商圈在金融海 酒店經紀嘯中確實面臨很大的壓力,且當時都無法預期景氣何時好轉 酒店打工,耗費數百萬元的裝潢成本,更迫使業者無法輕言放棄。以當時的天母SOGO商圈為例,就算距離天母SOG 酒店兼差O百貨的開幕已經不到半年的時間,但周邊店面的空置率仍高達二十%,顯示屋主與業者都存有濃厚的觀望心態,這 酒店兼職與過去市場會提前反映利多現象有顯著差異。



徐佳馨表示,從空置率數據來看,與去年狀況極差的第四季相比 酒店,精品商圈的空置率都出現明顯的下降,但由於各界對於景氣是否反彈仍有疑慮,因此就算租金與售價已開始蠢動,但是否能夠真實反映市場實況,仍存有許多變數。