Foster Program Scams - NY TIMES
This is real criminal activity...
NEW YORK: Taken as a young child from her drug-abusing mother, the girl had lived in one foster home after another. Now, at 16, she saw the day approaching when she would become an adult and be sent off to make a life on her own.
She desperately wanted to be ready, and one last bit of help seemed to be at hand. New York City had paid her foster care agency, a sprawling organization called Miracle Makers, hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for workshops in which trained professionals would teach teenagers like her — who often end up jobless, homeless or in jail — the practical skills they needed to survive. There was a catch The workshops did not exist.
The girl complained in 2003, and the Manhattan Family Court referee hearing her case eventually discovered that Miracle Makers had not offered the classes for about a year and a half. Yet city officials had continued to pay, after the agency assured them that a substitute program was in place, even though it did not provide the expert training. All told, the city paid about $400,000 for a program that the court referee and others suggested was largely a sham.
During a hearing in October 2003, a Manhattan Family Court referee, Marva Burnett, learned that the girl was not receiving any of the classes — on finding a job, handling money and staying sexually safe — that Miracle Makers had provided in the past. A caseworker said the agency had suspended them.How long ago? Referee Burnett asked.
“I cannot give you a date,” the caseworker replied.
The referee persisted: “How many months? How many weeks? How many days?”
She investigated in a series of hearings, and learned that Miracle Makers had not held the workshops for at least a year and a half. In February 2005, two years after the girl first complained, Referee Burnett ruled that she did not believe the agency’s backdated paperwork, or its testimony. She directed Children’s Services to investigate “to see if any fraud took place.”
Children’s Services said it referred the matter to the city’s Department of Investigation. But that agency says it never received any referral, and can find no evidence it was ever sent.
There was no investigation.
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永慶店面事業部 台北酒店經紀經理李元鳳表示,精品商圈在金融海 酒店經紀嘯中確實面臨很大的壓力,且當時都無法預期景氣何時好轉 酒店打工,耗費數百萬元的裝潢成本,更迫使業者無法輕言放棄。以當時的天母SOGO商圈為例,就算距離天母SOG 酒店兼差O百貨的開幕已經不到半年的時間,但周邊店面的空置率仍高達二十%,顯示屋主與業者都存有濃厚的觀望心態,這 酒店兼職與過去市場會提前反映利多現象有顯著差異。
徐佳馨表示,從空置率數據來看,與去年狀況極差的第四季相比 酒店,精品商圈的空置率都出現明顯的下降,但由於各界對於景氣是否反彈仍有疑慮,因此就算租金與售價已開始蠢動,但是否能夠真實反映市場實況,仍存有許多變數。
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