Will Obama Embrace Funding?
Indeed, the beneficiaries of Bush's policy extend across the country and continents. More than 200,000 addicts have been helped through the innovative "Access to Recovery" treatment program, and ex-prisoners participating in Bush's novel re-entry program return to prison at rates less than half the national average. The widely acclaimed global AIDS relief program has transformed the lives of millions.
Here at home, thousands of religious charities have received grants to help the hurting — from the Empowerment Program in Denver that helps ex-offenders successfully re-enter society to the Community Kitchen in Loveland, which provides free, hot meals each day to individuals in need.
While Obama's faith-based platform promises more federal spending, it bears bad news for groups ranging from the Salvation Army to Orthodox Jewish social service organizations.
This is because Obama wants to abandon President Bush's — and President Clinton's — efforts to protect the right to hire on a religious basis of faith-based charities that provide taxpayer-funded social services.
Obama visited Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in California last weekend, a Southern Baptist organization on the front lines of helping individuals in need at home and around the globe. Saddleback would rather disband than submit to governmental approval on hiring.
In Colorado, faith-based organizations like Denver Rescue Mission receive federal funds through city and state grants to help the homeless. Prior to the Faith-Based and Community Initiative, federal regulations barred many of these organizations from receiving government dollars to serve Colorado communities. But my guess is that the proposed Obama policy would be a deal-breaker for them and other religious groups, not to mention many African-American churches. Telling church and synagogue groups that they cannot hire people who share their vision and mission risks sapping their life-saving programs of their effectiveness.
The Denver Post
Right now all you people who have pet projects need to look at the problems facing our country caused by Busches wars and the 4.00 gasoline which is causing the home foreclosures which probably will collapse our banking system. If our country goes into a deep depression, (were on the edge)you wont have a job, nor time to worry about feeding the homless or the alcoholic, the drug addict nor all those you have incarcerated for non violent offenses. All government budgets will have to shrink drastically as tax dollars dry up.All of you born after 1950 need to tighten your belts and listen to those of us who remember and lived thru the 1930's.djw
Well, Jim, this is not happening in Colorado. The feds fund one program that pays for two statisticans in the DOC and untold number of administration persons, and is $2M spent on just 200 inmates across the state. Considering there are 22,700 prisoners in DOC this is just a cash cow to our wonderful bed counters. They continue to sign contracts for 1200 beds in Hudson, CO and 600 supermax 24 hours a day in solitary confinement.
What we need is a candidate called "none of the above".mpc
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