Who is the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition?

Our mission is to reverse the trend of mass incarceration in Colorado. We are a coalition of nearly 7,000 individual members and over 100 faith and community organizations who have united to stop perpetual prison expansion in Colorado through policy and sentence reform.

Our chief areas of interest include drug policy reform, women in prison, racial injustice, the impact of incarceration on children and families, the problems associated with re-entry and stopping the practice of using private prisons in our state.

If you would like to be involved please go to our website and become a member.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Chains Of Love

h/t to Mike at Corrections Sentencing for the link to this article about the thousands of people out there who are married to people in prison. The article outlines the struggles that they face and the difficulties of being in a long distance relationship. Marriage and family are one of the best detractors for people coming out to stay out and successfully reintegrate. Some states are coming up with innovative ways to allow these relationships to, if not flourish, at least maintain some semblance of stability.

"The wives of inmates are still largely without resources or institutional assistance, grappling with exorbitant phone rates, long distances to be travelled for visits, hypervigilant visitation rules, and restricted access to information about their husbands’ well-being.”

Good Magazine

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